Sunday, November 28, 2010

The confusion of men

So pretty much why the hell do men lie? Especially when you catch them lying you think it would just be easier for them to be like you know what you caught me I lied and I apologize but no cause that would be to easy. Honestly I would rather just hear the truth and talk it out right then and there then hear a lie then later on in the future here the truth and it causes a huge fight and all trust is broken so you either brake up or just stop trusting each other. The worst part about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth in the first place. Well enough of that rant I'm off to bed sweet dreams cyber land.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A smart man

A smart man once Sang the lyrics "parents are the same no matter time or place so to you kids all across the land there's no need to argue parents just don't understand" and damn was he right; way to be Will Smith.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


So pretty much I just got done watching the season finale for my most favorite show ever Degrassi Season 10. I also saw the promo trailer for Season 11 already and I am so effing excited. Eclare was probably my favorite couple of the season :). Anyways Ya so I love the show dont know why but it is so so so sooooooo addicting :).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Life as we know it

Okay so i am twenty years old and currently struggling to make it in this crazy cycle we call life. I know all grown ups try to teach you that the world is tough and they do their best to prepare you in hopes you will succeed. Well, it seems as if in this modern day and age that having an education doesn't get you as far as your teachers or parents said it would at least not here in Utah. I thought once I graduated high school and received that parchment paper with my name on it clearly declaring that my future has officially begun I would be on the fast track to a career and going to college would just help me to succeed and push me further into my career of choice. I thought oh ya after graduation I'm so done with these high school minimum wage paying jobs and I how I couldn't wait to start my career in photography, or fashion design, or dance, or theater( like I said in my about me I have no idea where I wanna be in life yet) anyways back to reality I thought after graduation everything would be good. Then it happened, graduation day came. Tears were cried, diploma's were given out, tassels were switched over symbolizing our new start to our new future and goodbyes were said instead of see ya later's and reality was soon to set in. Little did we all know that if your parents weren't rich, you weren't LDS ( which don't get me wrong I have nothing wrong with the LDS religion because I was in fact baptized in the church just changed my beliefs), or knocked up by the time you turned 18 there wasn't much you could really do.
So this is how my story begun:

After I graduated I was dating this guy named Trent and at that time things were good. I graduated a year after my senior year cause well I was .75 credits behind so wasn't online to graduate with the rest of my class but hey I still did it. Anyways i was living with this boyfriend of mine at the time and I thought life was excellent. Finding a job after graduation was a lot harder then I expected but I finally found something i really did enjoy. I became a nanny for a beautiful family in Ogden Utah. I loved it but after about a year I wanted to go to college and being a nanny and going to college while trying to enjoy my adolescent life with family and friends just wasn't working plus I needed health benefits.  I was making excellent pay as a nanny for only being 19 at the time. After putting in my two weeks with the nanny job I started working as a baker for Maverick but that was a major down cut and I could no longer afford my rent which eventually got me evicted and I had to move in with my dad. When I tried finding help like applying for food stamps, and apply for housing the first question they asked me was do you have any children when I answered no I do not they would either reply with Then there isnt anything we can do for you or have you tried talking to your bishop .

Which brings me to my previous statement. Because of the fact I decided to be safe in high school and wait to have kids I can not receive any help from anyone because children are not involved. Then they say to talk to my bishop what if I'm not LDS then who do I talk to I shouldn't have to be LDS to receive a little help. Now I'm stuck in a rut because I'm a christian and not a struggling mom. What is this world coming to.