Thursday, December 2, 2010

♥♥♥LOVE ♥♥♥

I know people say there is no such thing as a perfect man but I beg to differ. I mean there is a perfect man out for every woman out there you just have to look. He may not seem perfect to everyone else but he was made perfect for you. I have found my perfect man and I couldn't be more happier. He is sweet,charming,loving,daring,rebellious,strong,dependable, and determined to keep a smile on my face. Every one tells me just wait a couple years things will change. Why is it that everyone has to try and bring me down from it. If I'm twitterpated and happily floating on cloud nine is it really necessary for you to come and blow it out from underneath me all because it changed for you and no one treats you the way I'm getting treated. Yes in the future it might change but I've seen people who have been married for like 60 years and they are as much in love with each other now then they were the day they met. Take my great grandparents for instance. They were married when my great grandma was either 14 or 16 and my grandma use to tell me how young he made her feel. Every time she would walk into the room he would just light up like god just sent him his best angel. When my great grandma got sick he was with her by her side till the day she passed. Always checking on her, making sure she ate and got her sleep, and taking her medicine. When she did sleep He was always checking on her just to kiss her forehead in case she slipped away in her sleep. I thought man if they can be so in love after so many years then there is hope of true love and the perfect man out there for every women. With my current bf I have never felt so much love being given to me. He tells me I'm beautiful at least twice a day, tells me he loves me every morning when he wakes, at the end of every phone call and text through out the day, and every night before he goes to bed. He also makes me smile and laugh at least once a day and does everything in his power and wont give up till he succeeds. He says to make me smile is his mission and it makes his day a lot brighter to see me smile. I will admit we are the annoying couple that every body hates to love cause we are so adorable and so nauseating at the same time but what can I say he makes me feel like we are in some kind of romance movie and I wouldn't change it for the world. Just remember every women has her prince charming out there somewhere you just have to kiss a few toads before you find him. :) Peace ♥ & :)

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